Monday, November 30, 2009

NoMo NaBloPoMo

Today's the last day of November, the official end date of National Blog Posting Month (the cleverly abbreviated NaBloPoMo). I have to say that I'm pretty proud that I managed to post every day in November, NTB. It's been a positive experience for me . . .

1. Daily posting makes me more aware of what I'm doing and thinking and learning over the course of each day.

2. Daily posting takes the "pressure off." In general, NTB is not a high pressure operation for me, but when I haven't made time to post in a week or so, I feel like whatever I do finally post needs to be "really good." Then I procrastinate posting even more because no topic I think of seems good enough. It's been liberating to post every day insofar as I feel like whatever I post does not have to be particularly special. I'd like to think that some of the November posts have turned out to be entertaining anyway, at least as much as some of my once-a-week posts.

3. Daily posting is a good outlet and good writing practice (not that I'm practicing for anything).

In terms of the downsides of daily posting . . .

1. Daily posting leads to DVR back-up. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. I guess this one is less a downside and more a point of interest.

2. Daily posting also means less novel reading. I'm complaining a little.

3. Daily posting has started to make me feel like I am no longer just the casual mommyblogger and am instead the "look at me, look at my cute kids, look at my life, here's every little thing I'm thinking, aren't I so fascinating?" blogger. The fact that I have a blog to begin with probably means I am sort of that person to begin with, though I hope not obnoxiously so.

I've said it before but what I love most about NTB is the chance blogging gives me to make connections with friends, family, and "strangers." When something I write resonates with other moms or makes people laugh or touches them somehow, it is so satisfying.

I can't promise to post every day for another month, but I will do my best to post more often. Please keep reading! Thanks for taking this November journey with me.

And, if I can ask, what kind of posts do you want to read more of at NTB? Books? Recipes? Helpful tips? Mommy stories? Feminist rants? Sermons? Please share in the comments.


E... said...

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed spending November with you. Feels like you live down the street again, and until you do (I can still hope, right!?), I hope we can both be more active in the posting. I always enjoy your book and food posts, as well as your mommy stories. I think I'd enjoy a feminist rant or two. Mostly, I just like to know what's going on with you.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed November because I new there would be something new to read everyday. I especially like the funny mommy stores. I think because I am a mom too, I can relate and find humor in almost all of them. Thanks for all your hard work.

Sarah D said...

Great job, MEP! I've loved reading your postings this month. (as always.) I also love the mommy stories. Its fun to know that we're all in this together.

Actchy said...

I would like to see a SMA-inspired semi-sermon that included a reminder that your readers "are goooood."

Keep on, MEP. Keep on.

CaraBee said...

Can I just say ditto to E...?

While I enjoy the "big" posts, too, it is the little everyday stuff that is so interesting to me. I think sometimes in our efforts to create "great" posts, we lose some of that. It is tough to balance it with our other pastimes, but blogging has its rewards, too.

Just keep 'em coming!

Sue and Randy said...

Thank you for your great efforts in November. What I like about your blog is the variety. I have read and enjoyed several books you have recommended and just this weekend bought all the ingredients for the cake balls! But the glue that holds it all together is you. Even after (over) a decade since we were in college together, your positive and spirited personality comes through the computer, and it is very refreshing--especially on days when things just fall apart. With posts like "hot vomit on a chip"--how can you not laugh?

LAP said...

Love the life observations. Enjoy the honesty, good or bad. Love when people share tips. You've known me long enough (since birth to be exact) to know that I could take it or leave it on the book posts:)

When I think of some posts that make me smile, the first to come to mind are Lean Cuisines, the anniversay card, the prank phone call, the times where hubby chimes in with something like "it's just ok" with regard to a recipe or the like, your recaps on the creative ways the boys spend their time, and I will end there since I am getting less specific as I go...

A pleasure reading them all!

Anonymous said...

Your posts are a bright spot in my day! I love them all, particularly the book reviews and the cute mommy stories. Rita

cake said...

congrats on completing NABLOPOMO! sadly, i was too busy with NANOWRIMO i couldn't read every single one of your posts, but i am making my way back through them now.
rest assured, you have cracked me up, at the very core of my being, many times, and, touched my heart over and over.
what do i want more of? mommy stories, feminist rants and sermons.

Steph said...


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