Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good Day.

Food. Friends. Laughter. Fun. I'm enjoying a weekend with my oldest friends in the world. Life is good.

The photo is of my new ornaments from a holiday exchange.

Back to real blogging tomorrow.


CaraBee said...

Have fun!!

msh said...

such a good day, to say the least! we are quite the lucky girls...
hope the trip home went okay!

Anonymous said...

time with old friends is food for the soul. glad you were able to enjoy time with your girlfriends. m

Anonymous said...

time with old friends is food for the soul. glad you were able to enjoy time with your girlfriends. m

Anonymous said...

time with old friends is food for the soul. glad you were able to enjoy time with your girlfriends. m

Anonymous said...

Loved every minute of the weekend. My girls are thrilled with the new ornaments. G can't wait to see them sparkle on the tree! BDavin

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