Friday, November 5, 2010

That's what our little girl is made of --

Cereal of rice,
EVERYTHING nice . . .

Sweet P at Seven Months


PITA said...

Sweet P is getting so big and she continues to get so cute! Miss her!

Heather said...

Hold on a second...

She's already 7 months old?!

How on earth does that happen so quickly?!

And is that a cereal rainjacket she's wearing? Love it!

Anonymous said...


CaraBee said...

Holy hats, she's 7 months??? How did that happen?!

She's gorgeous, my dear mep, as are you.

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness! She's changing so much! I love her reddish hair. I can't wait to get my hands on her in a few weeks :-)

Steph said...

Wow - I see a strong sibling resemblance!

E... said...

Oh, I love her.

Stacia said...

Could she get any cuter?? And seven months already ... Whoa, the time has flown, maybe because I've spent most of it in a sleep-deprived newborn haze of my own! =>

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