I can't give definitive age, size, or strength requirements for any of these games but can let you know that Little Bit is a sturdy, strong, and fearless lad of nineteen months.
These games are best started while mom is doing something like taking an important phone call, using the bathroom, cleaning up, preparing a meal, or trying to get big brother ready for school.
Skillet Surfing
Materials Needed: skillets of various sizes, hardwood floors
1. Open drawer where mom keeps the skillets.
2. Drag skillets into living room (note, I did say "drag" -- important to try to scratch the floor whenever possible).
3. Place two skillets side by side.
4. Place one foot in each skillet.
5. Shimmy and shake as skillets slowly slide away from each other.
6. Continue in this fashion until mom removes you from skillets and thus ends the game.
Materials Needed: open stairway where previous baby gate existed, assorted toiletries
1. Wait many, many months for your parents to remove gate blocking upstairs access so that drywall damage caused by that gate can be repaired in preparation for selling home.
2. Once gate has been removed, run upstairs as quickly as you can (extra points if your pregnant mom pees a little while chasing you) anytime you pass that previously-blocked staircase.
3. Make beeline for upstairs bathroom and see what you can grab (ideas include: dad's toothbrush, children's motrin--open it with your teeth, lidless jar of vaseline, lotion, tube of toothpaste, bar of soap, disposable razor).
4. Do as much damage as you can with chosen toiletry until your mom stops you (extra points if you can get your older brother involved to narrate and dramatize the events as they are happening).
5. You can return to step 1 again as soon as you wish. After all, the gate is gone now!
Potty Time
Materials Needed: toddler potty (preferably full), unlocked bathroom door
1. Notice that some fool has left the bathroom door open. Head inside.
2. Take the pieces of the toddler potty apart. Whether full or empty, attempt to carry the collector tray-thing to regular potty. Make sure to spill some.
3. Flush repeatedly (extra points for breaking the flusher-handle thing).
4. Warning: if you play this game too often, your parents will begin locking the bathroom at all times and keeping a key above the door. You will then need to be extra vigilant about sliding in when someone else wants to use the bathroom.
Variation: Starting at step 2, enter and sit down fully clothed on toddler potty (full or empty), giving parents just enough potty training hope that they are reluctant to put toddler potty away even though big brother can certainly manage without it. Say "poo" over and over, but do not actually poop.
Pick Mom's Nose
Materials Needed: mom with a nose, at least one digit
1. Sit on your mom's lap and pretend you want to cuddle.
2. While she is smiling at you, begin sticking your finger in her nose.
3. Giggle maniacally as you do so.
4. Stay persistent even if she tries to push your finger away and/or says to you, "No, you don't want to pick my nose." After all, you do want to pick her nose.
Pick Mom's Nose: X Games Edition
Materials Needed: mom with nose, at least one digit, towels
1. Play standard version of Pick Mom's Nose following rules above.
2. Try to catch mom off guard by jamming one little finger all the way up her nose with a great deal of force.
3. Look simultaneously confused and delighted when blood begins gushing from mom's nose.
4. Enjoy the show that ensues as your mom tries to catch the blood in her cupped palms while shouting to big brother to get her some towels already. It will be very funny when brother is foiled in his first attempt to get towels because the bathroom is locked (see "Potty Time" game above). It will be less funny when he returns from kitchen with two baby bibs before finally locating the kitchen towels.
Bam Bam
Materials Needed: kiddie broom, kiddie golf club, and/or kiddie bat
1. Choose your implement and begin by using for its intended purpose (sweeping or hitting a ball). Mom will initially be pleased to see you cleaning and/or showing an interest in sports and some hand/eye coordination.
2. Then, change gears. Begin to use implement to hit doors, floors, walls, furniture, your mom, or your brother.
3. The game is over once all the implements have been placed on top of the highest book shelf in the play room.
Tell me, what games are being played at your house these days? I'm hanging in there . . . but only by a thread so please humor me by sharing.
My cheeks are literally in pain. Although I understand these activities are not funny as they are happening, reading this summary made for the most entertainment I've had all day. The part that really got me rolling, for whatever reason, is "Pick Mom's Nose
Materials Needed: mom with a nose, at least one digit" Also enjoyed the visual of Little Bit on skillets.
Anything happening here pales in comparison. It's mostly playing dressups and dancing along to the Disney CD for the older two. Throw in a little salon barbie up in their bathroom and call it a day. Other than chasing Wook around and keeping her from diving off the couch, we engage in frequent battles over my desire to stop nursing and her wish for me to continue. She sticks her hand down my shirt (at home and in public), claws my chest, and snaps my bra so hard that yesterday she actually broke a clasp on it. Again, nothing that compares to the physical games you endure on a daily basis!!!
Oh dear--the worst thing I can report is my Megan's OCD-like compulsion to put socks on and off, over and over. She likes to dress herself, and once in a while actually gets some article of clothing in the right place, but the sock thing is annoying.
Amanda's game is: do everything first. For example, run to car first in morning, race to buckle up car seat before I can buckle Megan up, race to get in bathtub, you get the picture. The fun never ends! (well, it ends when I drop them off at school and take a 45 minute diversion at Target w/Starbucks before work. Now that is fun.)
Man, I don't miss those days at all! They will seem funny one day, but notsomuch when you're smack in the middle of them, huh? At least he's adorable, right?
The game at my house right now is the "tuck me in 25 times" bedtime game. Gabe and I are apparently the only ones playing; somehow Daddy never wants to play. Gabe will sneak downstairs for an important mission: one more hug, one more "I love you", his gameboy, a drink, a snack, a trip to the potty...
Imagination is key to this game, as mom catches on pretty quickly, especially when she's tired.
I hate bedtime games. But I'm sure they'll be funny someday, too.
Good luck!
At our house, N. likes a rousing rendition of "Breakfast is Never Over" To play, wake up around 6AM demanding apple juice. Drink that, then ask for dry cereal in a cup. Follow with request for it to be put in a bowl with milk. Later, start hanging on the freezer door until Mommy finally agrees to put a frozen waffle in the toaster oven. Then remind her that you really only like them frozen. After you've eaten that waffle, proceed to eat three quarters of the toast Mommy makes for herself, forcing Mommy to make more. When brother is finally ready to eat, request some of whatever he is eating. Supplement rounds of this game with refills of juice, alternating between orange and apple, which require different cups.
BONUS ROUND: refuse to eat any other foods offered at meals the rest of the day.
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
Favorite game these days seems to be "Stero Roullette." Materials Needed include a plugged-in stereo that was tucked on the windowsill behind the couch so that you can't mess with it. Instructions: crawl on couch, remove back cushion, reach down and push all of the buttons in various sequence. Extra points for correctly getting music to play at an appropriate level. Penalties for accidentally putting on NPR Morning Edition at 132 decibles while Mom is on the phone.
I know the nose game well. We also play a variation that involves the eyes and even the mouth.
Our bathroom game usually leads to the application of makeup as well as frequent attempts at eyelash curling (even though I almost never wear makeup, the boys have a keen eye and have managed to steal all of my beauty secrets).
Our most advanced games usually take place in public. In the library, parking lots, grocery store, etc. The object of the game is to wriggle your hand away from Mom's hand as quickly as possible and run as fast as you can while looking back at Mom with a shit-eating grin. It usually ends in a fall and requires many hugs and cries of "feel me better Mom".
A variation of this game is
1. running away
2. shouting "echo, echo" repeatedly an as loudly as possible. Extra points for doing it in a quiet setting, such as the library, church, etc.
3. Screaming bloody murder when finally captured and contained by Mom.
4. Physically struggling until exit to car/stroller is complete
I love playing that game with my 36 pound two year old, who happens to be one of the strongest and most willful creatures I have ever known.
Hang tough!
1. Let me get one shoe on her.
2. Evade my grasp.
3. Run around me in circles big enough that it becomes a game of chase.
4. After tackling her, allow me get the other shoe on.
5. Repeat Steps 2 and 3
6. Repeat entire process every. single. time. we go to leave the house.
Yeah. It's fun.
I laughed out loud at each of these games. There was something about the skillet surfing that really had me laughing. But that smile of Little Bit's is hard to resist. Miss him and Bub!
Dishwasher Horseshoes
Materials Needed: Spoons. Every. Single. One.
1. Pretend you're going to "help" your mom unload the dishwasher.
2. Grab all the spoons. Run.
3. Throw them on the floor, one at a time, as fast as you can. (Tile works best. The acoustics are amazing.)
4. Quickly pick them up. Run from your mom.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 till you're (a) bored or (b) giggling so much you can't breathe.
"Pick My Nose, X-Games Edition"
Is this the title for the NTB book?
I'm not sure if that was supposed to be the funnies thing I've ever read or not...but I was CRYING laughing by the end!
Thanks for sharing...
Oh this made me laugh! Corinne has recently invented the yarn unrolling Olympics in addition to her more known-about sports including (but not limited to): overflowing the sink, coloring on body parts, and cutting one's own hair.
OHMYGOODNESS! You are HILARIOUS!!! Yay for long, funny posts! :-)
I think you may have Olympic-worthy games here. Particularly anything that gives extra points for making mommy pee as she chases you. Very, very funny.
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