Sunday, June 26, 2011

Parenting Truth #1

Context: Helping one's child put his/her shoes on.

Truth: If you hold up the right shoe in preparation of easing it on, the child will lift his left foot. If you offer the left shoe, the child will lift her right foot.


Heather said...

You made me laugh out loud, and I haven't even had a cup of coffee yet...

This is oh-so-true.

Tricia @ Take 10 With Tricia said...

Updated: EVERY. TIME.

CaraBee said...

ALWAYS. Never fails.

E... said...

This is why I've taken to tapping the foot I want. Sometimes I feel like I'm parenting deaf/blind children. Or that that situation could somehow be less frustrating. Or maybe I'm just going to hell.

Unknown said...

Funny! I was all ready for a lengthy post too. Sometimes short and pithy does the trick.

Anonymous said...

so often the case!!! rita

Stacia said...

Corollary: Same goes for gloves. And tights. And jacket sleeves. And socks. Oh, wait, no, not socks. said...

True dat. By child #3 I stopped caring if they were on the right foot as long as they weren't walking on glass.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt! Every. Single. Time. said...

You still around?

Guess Who said...

Very common misconception. When they do it right, you don't notice. Same thing with shark attacks are a big deal and what do you say when you don't get red lights when you're late. Related: "Why is it always in the last place I look?" It's because that's when you stop looking.

Unknown said...

Yes, we are going through this right now!

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